Gerry Anderson
Gerald Anderson is the man responsible for one of UFOlogies biggest rows in years.
In 1990 Gerald Anderson came forward to tell the world that he had been a witness
to the highly dubious Plains of San Agustin crash case. His story seemed to involve
lots of details, he named dates, times, places and names.
After some time 2 camps developed in UFOlogy, those believing Andersons story, and those who
did not. The 2 camps were headed by Stanton Freidman (believers) and Kevin Randle (non-believers).
Some heated debates raged over this story for many years with the Randle camp proving
systematically each part of Andersons testimony to be hoax, and each time the Freidman
camp coming out with ever increasingly unbelievable explanations for the errors in the
testimony. Andersons names didn't match, dates were confused, explanations were
Just when the Anderson story had been almost completely destroyed along came a 'diary'
which Anderson had 'found' which backed up all parts of his story. This revived the Friedman camp for a short
while until the Randle camp with thorough investigation proved that the diary too was a
fraud. The paper on the diary proved that indeed it was around 1947,the time of the crash,
however the ink used was not available until the mid 1970's!
eventually the Friedman camp conceded and his is book Crash at Corona, Friedman added
a small preface informing the reader that the testimony of Gerald Anderson was no
longer completely reliable.